This weekend was a weekend spent with just us. My Friday night was spent watching my husband and son play while I prepared a dozen freezer meals to store for the next month. We were in bed by 10:30pm. We started out our Saturday morning bright and early laying in bed with a little boy, his blanky and his dump trucks. We played vroom vroom and watched him giggle as he tried to drive his trucks on our old grumpy dog. I found myself playing referee several times to keep him from hurting our poor old dog. Then my husband did what every wife dreams of, he took our son to eat breakfast in the kitchen and brought me coffee in bed. I love that man! This allowed me time to relax and read my morning devotion. It also got me thinking about what life was like before I earned the title of mommy. I will share more about that in a minute.
We then spent our afternoon sledding in the back yard for the very first time. I took a ton of pictures. I am a self-admitted photoholic. Our night concluded with a date night at home. We ordered take out, rented a movie and drank wine in our pj's on the couch. We were in bed by 11pm. Sunday morning was a lot like Saturday morning, give or take a few trucks and books. We skipped church. God will forgive me. We watched football, made blanket forts in the living room and just enjoyed our weekend. It was amazing and busy. It was fun. It was filled with a few temper tantrums over nonsense, that were quickly followed by "I sorry mama", it was filled with poopy diapers and dirty hands. It was everything I pictured parenthood to be.
It was nothing like my life before I was a mama.
Life before I was a mama went something like this:
It took me 30 seconds to get out the door and on my way to where I was going.
I would spend my Friday or Saturday nights out to dinner with my husband and friends.
I would go to bed late and sleep in late.
The only mouths I worried about feeding were my husband, myself and the dog.
I spent my days off during the week alone with just my coffee and the dvr.
The only butt I wiped was my own.
When I cleaned my house it stayed clean.
The only person I had to keep alive was myself.
Life was good with just myself and my husband, but life felt incomplete.
My brain constantly thought about being a mommy and life was filled with emotional ups and downs with each negative pregnancy test.
Life was different. My faith was different. My priorities were different.
Parenthood changes a person. It causes you to rethink your priorities in life and it makes you look "boring" to all of your single friends. But to that little one who calls you mama, building a blanket fort in the living room, or sledding in the backyard, makes you one "cool" mama. It makes you worry about a person, other then yourself 24/7. It has you talking to God throughout your day. Sometimes it's just a "God please help me get through this day." It makes life interesting and fulfilling. It keeps life exciting and humorous. That, my friends, is all that is Parenthood.
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