Monday, March 11, 2013

Its been nearly a year since we began this adoption journey and we are approaching the 4 month mark of "actively waiting."  Its getting a little harder to wait patiently, but I keep reminding myself that with each passing day and month that its just another day and month closer to the day we bring home our child.
We completely finished decorating the nursery last night but there is one thing missing....our baby.  Some people who go through infertility and adoption wait to put the nursery together because they fear they will have pain every time they walk past the empty nursery.  Its different for me.  I walk past that nursery every day and smile.  Sometimes I walk in it and imagine what it will feel like to pick up our baby from the crib.  I imagine the joy I will have in my heart when I'm sleep deprived and hearing our baby cry in the middle of the night or when we are changing dirty diapers.  Some people would dread some of those moments.  I can't wait for them.


  1. My son is almost 10 months old and sometimes I still can't believe he's here. As you are imagining, I do walk into his room and pick him up and snuggle him and remember all those lonely nights I wished so badly I had a baby in my arms. Now he's really here. He's really wearing those adorable onesies and smiling and cooing at me...and it WILL happen for you too. I love that you have set up the nursery and it is a source of hope for you.
