Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sometimes i don't think about it....

So we've been actively waiting just over 3 months now and its getting to the point now where I can function throughout my day without even thinking about adoption.  The wait is getting a little easier.   Sometimes I find myself having a "pity party"  but not as often anymore.   I just keep telling myself with every passing month that its one month closer to the day our baby finds us.  We've been keeping busy with work and just got home from vacation too, so that's helping pass the time too.  We're putting the final touches in the nursery & hanging up photos on the walls that my sister took of us.  Soon the room will be complete and all we will need is our bundle of joy.  Praying God will find us a match soon.

Friday, February 8, 2013

The good, the bad and the crazy roller coaster ride....

I made a promise that I would continue to blog through the good and not so good times in adoption, afterall, it is a roller coaster ride we are on.
Yesterday was a tough day.  We had received word from our worker that we were in the final selection process for a birth family.  They were deciding between us and one other couple.  Emotional high.  Then we found out we weren't chosen.  Emotional low.  Then we found out that the birth family decided to parent the child.  That's a lot to take in from one conversation.
  We are looking at this situation as God's way of protecting us from a failed match situation.   We are trusting that this child wasn't meant to be ours, but its still hard to be so close, yet so far away from parenthood.  Our worker did tell us our book has been viewed by several birth families & that they are getting wonderful feedback from it.  We can only hope and pray that God will complete our family soon.  In the meantime, we will keep that other family in our prayers as well as the birth family parenting that child.  May God fill their hearts with peace.