Monday, June 15, 2015

I'll take the cuddles

As I write this, I'm cuddling a sleeping two year old and typing with my other hand.  I'm a mom, I can multi-task.  It's not very often anymore that I get these moments.   They used to be an every day occurrence with bottle feeding and nap time snuggles, but now I will take the cuddles when he lets me.  Scrubbing the floors can wait a few moments longer.
As I cuddle him, I almost get teary eyed.   When did my little boy go from a tiny baby to a rambunctious two year old who thinks he's a monkey?   It's hard to believe.  Sometimes it feels like his birthmom just placed him in our arms, and other times I've forgotten what life was like before him. I'm certain life wasn't nearly as interesting and it definitely was a lot less busy. Things stayed where I put them (unless my husband moved them) the floors were cleaner,  the windows didn't have fingerprints,  I didn't trip over trucks and I did not know the names of every construction truck or dinosaur. Life was simpler and my arms and heart were emptier.  Now I cuddle my sweet boy and enjoy every minute.   This motherhood thing is pretty darn amazing. It's not anything like I expected it to be.  It's so much better and a lot more exhausting,  but I'll take the cuddles while I can.