Wednesday, September 16, 2015

We're adopting again!

After much prayer, our application is at our adoption agency and we are officially on a wait list to get into our adoption agency to adopt our second child.  Our agency is currently at full capacity for waiting families, so we are expecting to be on the wait list until at least December, maybe longer.  After that, we are expecting a long and emotional wait. We are excited and nervous about taking this next step.  Having a 2 1/2 year old to occupy our minds will be a great distraction while we wait.  My nerves are so much less this time around because we are going into the process already familiar with the adoption world.  There are still a ton of unknowns, but we are trusting God to work out those details. Our prayer for our next child is this: May you always know you were created by God, perfect in every way.  You are wanted. You are loved.  You are special.   Your first mommy and daddy love you.  They always have and always will.  Our promise to them is this: we will love your son/daughter unconditionally.   We will always talk about you.  We will welcome you into our family with open arms.  We love you already.   We are already praying for you.  Thank you for choosing adoption and allowing us into a very personal and emotional time in your life.  We respect you and are so proud of you. May God watch over you and protect you as you make decisions for your child.

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