Thursday, March 8, 2018

We have a five year old in the house!

Our first little man turned FIVE this week! He woke up on his birthday and said "Mommy I got SO tall and I can now run super fast!" He makes me giggle. In all seriousness though, how in the world is he five? I feel like we just started the adoption process and here we are with a five year old! I just love being his mommy. He is so funny and keeps life exciting. He is our dinosaur expert and knows pretty much everything about every animal and insect on the planet. He is obsessed with books and will spend hours looking at all the pages. He recently showed interest in wanting to read so we have begun that process. It is so fun to watch him have an excitement to always be learning and exploring. He is also a strong-willed little dude and I am convinced that will be a good thing when he is older. I also know that I will have several gray hairs in the process. It has been a wonderful five years.  I cannot imagine life without him and have a hard time remembering life before him. I know for a fact that I didn't know anything about various dinosaurs before he came along, I had no interest in monster trucks and I definitely didn't hear daily conversations about poop. That all changed now that I am the only female in this house full of boys. I wouldn't change a thing!
Welcome to the world of being a WHOLE HAND old. It is pretty exciting when you're five. We love you buddy!

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